In 2021, I started a new ambitious project: the adaptation of the Crieries de Paris as a sound and plastic performance. This multidisciplinary satirical project is inspired by Guillaume de Villeneuve’s poem, dated from 1265. This poem traces the sound and taste crossing of Paris in the 13th century, from dawn to night. Les Crieries […]
Livre de dettes / Schuld-en-buch
Le livre de dettes / Schuld-en-buch se compose d’un ensemble de 94 textes autour de nos sentiments de dettes : coloniales, européennes, familiales ou encore de genres. Ce livre est en version bilingue français et allemand et intègre les 15 photographies de Dattes et autres dettes. Le livre de dettes / Schuld-en-buch consists of a […]
Dattes et autres dettes

This piece consists of a series of 15 photographs printed on textile that revolve around das Schuld-en-Buch. They were taken across France, Austria and Israel. Cette pièce se compose d’une série de 15 photographies imprimées sur tissu qui s’articulent autour du Livre de dettes. Elles ont été prises à travers la France, l’Autriche et Israël.
Mythologies de la dette

Mythologies de la dette est une performance adaptée du Livre de dettes. On y voit les deux Dieux de la Dette, Cercle et Angle, se prélasser au milieu de leurs archives de 2016. Ils parcourent ainsi inlassablement les sorts jetés aux humains cette année là, les imitant tels des pantins pour finalement les comprendre. Mythologies […]

Installation vidéo de 2 min 30, collages/ 2′ 30″ video installation, collages All they can’t see. All we’d like them to do. From the ‘Olympia’ of Manet to the one in ‘Der Sandmann’ by ETA Hoffmann. What do we project on bodies ? What is a mannequin ? What is prostitution ? What is hypocrisy […]
Trust Issues

Click here / Cliquez ici Featuring Yaïr Barelli, Nina Childress, Charlie Jeffery, Jean-Charles Massera, Laure Prouvost, Lili Reynaud Dewar, Kristina Solomoukha and Paolo Codeluppi. Consisting of multiple discussions with artists, Trust Issues is an audio work dealing with three main topics : authority, responsibility and transmission. With this work, I bring face to face people working in the […]
Why Dogs Can’t Speak

Why dogs can’t speak is a video inspired by a french folktale, that reveals one of the biggest mystery of human history. So, spread the world ! 🐶 Pourquoi les chiens ne parlent-ils pas ? Inspirée d’une histoire folklorique poitevine, cette vidéo vous dévoilera le secret du mutisme des chiens… Un secret qui pourrait bien changer […]
Deaf & Dumb

Deaf and Dumb is a video installation based on Laurent Clerc’s diary “a recital to perfect myself in the english language “, written during his boat trip. This work puts into perspective what 200 years old words still tell us about our contemporary world. All accessories of the set could potentially be manipulated. The video acticates […]
Paper Word

Impression couleur papier journal, 7 feuillets, 64 x 46 cm, 2010. / Color print on newspaper sheets, 7 sheets, 64 x 46 cm, 2010. There was a film in which I have thrown out of the window the French newspaper ” Le monde” as a paper plane. A simple but metaphorical action : a way of reinterpreting […]